A large crowds of devotees visited the London Buddhist Vihara through out the New Year’s day to offer prayers and participate in various religious programmes held there.
From early in the morning Buddha Puja, Buddha Wandanaa, Dhana and Pirith Chanting were held to bless every one who visited the Vihara and special arrangements were made to chant Seth Pirith during various times of the day.
Head of the Vihara and the Chief Sanghanaayaka of Great Britain Most Ven. Bogoda Seelawimala Nayaka Thera and all the resident monks took part in these programmes.
Ven. Seelawimala Nayaka Thera thanked every one who visited the temple during the past year and helped in several ways to continue the Dhamma Dutha work.He specially remembered the enormous support received from the temple management committee, Anagarika Dharmapala Trust, the Buddhist Society, all the Sri Lankan Temples in the UK and all the devotees and well wishers of the temple during the week long elaborate programme organised to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of the founder of the Vihara Anagarika Dharmapala.
Quoting the verse 204 from the Dhammapada, The Pasenadee Kosala Vatthu, “Arogyaparama labha,santutthiparamam dhanam, vissasaparama nati, nibbanam paramam sukham” he said that that the health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, a trusted friend is the best relative, Nibbana is the greatest bliss and said May Blessings of the Noble Triple Gem the Buddha, The Dhamma, and the Sangha be with every one.