The New Year was celebrated on 1st January, 2015 with various religious activities at The Letchworth Buddhist Temple to invoke blessings to the devotees their families, friends and all living beings in the world.
Throughout the day various devotees visited the temple and engaged in religious activities to full fill their wishes and obtain blessings from the Maha Sangha. The main event was organized by Maha Sangha and the management committee of the temple at 6.30 p.m. The chief incumbent Rev. Dediyawala Wimala Thero began the service by observing the Five Precepts. Rev. Mathugama Palitha Thero conducted the Atavici Buddha Poojawa and with the participation of Rev. Sooriyawewa Kusala Thero chanted the Seth Pirith.
May all these blessings bestow with everyone to lead a healthy, prosperous and peaceful life.